
Selected Publications by Robin Minard

Werke/Works 1984-2019

Catalogue published in conjunction with the solo exhibition “Works 1984-2019” at the Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, Germany


Texts by Annegret Laabs, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Barbara Barthelmes and Robin Minard.

176 pages, large-format color photos, Web-App.

Verlag für moderne Kunst:

Qikiqtaaluk for Wilson

Stereo version of “Qikiqtaaluk for Wilson” (2014) released in 2021 on the 3-CD-set “Zukunftsmusik / im hier und jetzt oder nie / Wendepunkte”, Edition DEGEM (CDs 19-21)

German Society for Electroacoustic Music (DEGEM)

Available at:

4 Spaces / 4 Installations

Book with overviews of four site-specific installations.


Text by Jean-Michel Lejeune, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 2004.

49 pages, color + B&W photos

Silent Music – Between Sound Art and Acoustic Design

Book with CD published in conjunction with the solo exhibition “Works with Sound” at the Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Germany, 1999.


Texts by Barbara Barthelmes, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Robin Minard and Bernd Schulz, Audio-CD with Music for Quiet Spaces”, “Neptun”. Ed. Bernd Schulz, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 1999.

144 pages, color + B&W photos, audioCD


Catalogue with audio CD documenting the installation “Nachklang”, commissioned for the event “Licht auf Weimar” within Weimar Kulturstadt Europas 1999


Text by Bernd Schulz. Ed. Weimar Kulturstadt Europas 1999 GmbH, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, 1999.

31 pages, color photos, audio CD

Interferenzen 2

Catalogue documenting installations at the Kunstmuseum Magdeburg within the series Interferenzen


Text by Uwe Jens Gellner, Hrsg. Magdeburger Museen, Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, 1996

12 pages, B&W photos


Catalogue published in conjunction with a solo exhibition at the daad galerie, Berlin, 1996


Text by Barbara Barthelmes. Ed. daadgalerie Berlin, Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD, Berlin, 1996.

48 pages, color photos


Catalogue with audio CD documenting the installation “Neptun” within the exhibition “Zwischen Himmel und Erde” at the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 1996.


Text by Barbara Barthelmes

10 pages, AudioCD

Sound Environments / Klangwelten

Book on composing sound for public environments


Text by Robin Minard. Ed. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1993.

90 pages, B&W photos


Catalogue documenting the installation “Stationen” created for the spiral staircase and bell tower of the Parochialkirche, Berlin, 1992.


Texts by Matthias Osterwold and Robin Minard

26 pages, b&w and color photos

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Werke/Works 1984-2019
Werke/Works 1984-2019
Qikiqtaaluk for Wilson
Qikiqtaaluk for Wilson
4 Spaces / 4 Installations
4 Spaces / 4 Installations
Silent Music - Between Sound Art and Acoustic Design
Silent Music – Between Sound Art and Acoustic Design
Interferenzen 2
Interferenzen 2
Sound Environments / Klangwelten
Sound Environments / Klangwelten
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Publications by Robin Minard

Book [B], Solo Catalogue [Cs], Group catalogue [Cg], Article [A], Fixed Media [CD, DVD, App]

1991 – 2024

  • Intérieur / Extérieur. Deux installations sonores permanentes au Musée d’Art de Magdebourg in Sonorités nouvelles 2023, Lucie éditions, Nimes, 2023, pp. 33-45 (A) 
  • Qikiqtaaluk for Wilson”, on Wendepunkte, Edition DEGEM (CD 21), German Society for Electroacoustic Music, 2021. (CD)
  • Robin Minard — Werke/Works 1984-2019, English/German with texts by Annegret Laabs, Helga de la Motte Haber, Barbara Barthelmes and Robin Minard. 176 pages with numerous large format photos and a Web-App. Ed. Annegret Laaabs, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, 2019 (Cs,QR-Code)
  • „Réflexions sur le silence composé“ in Sonorités, Nr. 8, April 2019, Champ Social, Paris, 2019. (A)
  • „The Qikiqtaaluk Deep Map. Landschaften, Geschichten, Erinnerungen – ein Gespräch“, in Positionen, No. 100, Mühlenbeck, Germany, 2014 (A)
  • „Vom Klang der Kälte“, in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, No. 3_2013, Schott, Mainz, 2013, pp. 8-12 (A)
  • “Arten des Hörens” (Ways of Listening), in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, No. 5_2011, Schott, Mainz, 2011. pp. 49-51 (A) 
  • „Sounding D“ Un projet d’écoute à travers l’Allemagne“ in Sonorités, Nr. 6, Septembre 2011, Champ Social, Paris, 2011. (A)
  • „Journal de l’écoute. RAME Chablais 2004“ (co-author) in Sonorités, Nr. 2, December 2007, Champs Social, Nimes, 2007. pp. 49-69 (A)
  • Outside In, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, 2006 (Cs,CD)
  • „The Book of Spaces“, on 50 Years Studio TU Berlin, Electronic Music Foundation, New York / TU Berlin, 2005 (CD)
  • „Monocrome Mix“, on Erratum #4, France, 2004 (CD)
  • Four Spaces / Four installations. English/German/French/Spanish with text by Jean-Michel Lejeune. Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 2004 (B)
  • „Soundbits 01“, on: Inventionen 2002, PFAU-Verlag Saarbrücken and Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, 2004 (CD-ROM) 
  • „Musique concrète und ihre Bedeutung für die bildenden Künste / Musique concrète and its importance to the visual arts“, in Resonanzen/Resonances, Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002. pp. 38-48 (A)
  • „Silence (Blue)“, „Still / Life“, on Visual Sound, The Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh USA, 2001 (CD-ROM) 
  • Kloster – Kunst – Landschaft, Neue Kunst in alten Klöstern, Landschaftsverband Osnabrücker Land e.V., Osnabrück, 2000. pp. 20-23 (Cg)
  • “4 Räume”, on Inventionen ’98, 50 Jahre Musique Concrète, DAAD Berlin, Edition RZ, 1999 (CD)
  • Silent Music – Between Sound Art and Acoustic Design, English/German with texts by Barbara Barthelmes, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Robin Minard and Bernd Schulz, Audio-CD with Music for Quiet Spaces”, “Neptun”. Ed. Bernd Schulz, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 1999 (B,CD)
  • Silent Music, with “Music for Quiet Spaces”, “Neptun”, ed. Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken in cooperation with the Saarländischen Rundfunk, Saarbrücken, Edition RZ, 1999 (CD)
  • Nachklang, Text by Bernd Schulz, Ed. Weimar Kulturstadt Europas 1999 GmbH, Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, 1999 (B,CD)
  • Portrait on Sound Art in Germany, English/German. Ed. Deutsche Gesellschaft für elektroakustische Musik (DeGeM) CD-01, 1999 (CD-ROM)
  • Klanginstallationen, Text by Barbara Barthelmes. Ed. daadgalerie Berlin, Berliner Künstlerprogramms des DAAD, Berlin, 1996 (Cs)
  • Neptun. Text by Barbara Barthelmes. Ed. Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 1996 (Cs,CD)
  • Interferenzen 2, Text by Jens-Uwe Gellner. Ed. Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, Magdeburg, 1996 (Cs)
  • “Resonanz”, on Electronic Access 95, die Andere Saite, Graz, 1996 (CD)
  • “Ré”, “Qu’il m’en souvienne…”, on Electroacoustic Music, Academy Label, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1995 (CD)
  • Sound Environments/Klangwelten, English/German. Text by Robin Minard. Ed. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1993 (B)
  • Stationen, Texts by Matthias Osterwold and Robin Minard. Ed. Freunde Guter Musik / Podewil, Berlin, 1992 (Cs)
  • „Concerning the Use of Sound in Virtual Environments“ in Bioapparatus, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, 1991. p. 92 (A)
  • „La Musique Environnementale“, in L’Espace du Son, Lien – Revue d’Esthétique Musicale, Musiques et Recherches, Ohain, Belgium, 1991. pp. 23-27 (A) 

Selected Publications about Robin Minard

  • Helga de la Motte-Haber, „Site Specificity in the works of Robin Minard“, in Robin Minard — Werke/Works 1984-2019, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, 2019. pp.130-137
  • Barbara Barthelmes, „Stille / Silence — Robin Minard’s Workspace“, in Robin Minard — Werke/Works 1984-2019, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, 2019.. pp. 149-157
  • Klangi, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum, Turku, Finland, 2010 (Cg,DVD)
  • Eric la Casa, „Den Lautsprecher ein anderes Gesicht Geben“, in MusikTexte, Nr. 121, Mai 2009, Cologne, 2009. pp. 22-29. Translation of „Interview – Robin Minard“, in Revue & Corrigée, 2003. (A)
  • Hubert Steins, „Zwischen Klangkunst und Akustik Design“, in MusikTexte, Nr. 121, Mai 2009, Cologne, 2009. pp. 15-21 (A)
  • Micheline Roi, „Sculpting Space – The Organic Installations of Robin Minard“ in Musicworks, Nr. 102, Winter 2008, Toronto, 2008. pp. 18-24 (A)
  • Photographs of works featured in Circuit – Musiques Contemporaines, Volume 17, Nr. 3 „Musique in situ“, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal 2007 
  • Asa Stjerna, „Ljudinstallation: Robin Minard“ in Nutida Musik, Nr. 4/1, 2006-7, Stockholm, 2007. pp. 20-26 (A)
  • Eric la Casa, „Interview – Robin Minard“ in Revue & Corrigée, Nr. 58, 12/2003, Grenoble, 2003. pp. 12-17 (A)